On Minibatch Noise: Discrete-Time SGD, Overparametrization, and Bayes
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2102.05375v1
- Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 10:38:55 GMT
- Title: On Minibatch Noise: Discrete-Time SGD, Overparametrization, and Bayes
- Authors: Liu Ziyin, Kangqiao Liu, Takashi Mori, Masahito Ueda
- Abstract summary: Noise in gradient descent (SGD) caused by minibatch sampling remains poorly understood.
Motivated by the observation that minibatch sampling does not always cause a fluctuation, we set out to find the conditions that cause minibatch noise to emerge.
- Score: 2.6763498831034043
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The noise in stochastic gradient descent (SGD), caused by minibatch sampling,
remains poorly understood despite its enormous practical importance in offering
good training efficiency and generalization ability. In this work, we study the
minibatch noise in SGD. Motivated by the observation that minibatch sampling
does not always cause a fluctuation, we set out to find the conditions that
cause minibatch noise to emerge. We first derive the analytically solvable
results for linear regression under various settings, which are compared to the
commonly used approximations that are used to understand SGD noise. We show
that some degree of mismatch between model and data complexity is needed in
order for SGD to "cause" a noise, and that such mismatch may be due to the
existence of static noise in the labels, in the input, the use of
regularization, or underparametrization. Our results motivate a more accurate
general formulation to describe minibatch noise.
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