Scale Normalized Image Pyramids with AutoFocus for Object Detection
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- Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 18:57:53 GMT
- Title: Scale Normalized Image Pyramids with AutoFocus for Object Detection
- Authors: Bharat Singh, Mahyar Najibi, Abhishek Sharma and Larry S. Davis
- Abstract summary: A scale normalized image pyramid (SNIP) is generated that, like human vision, only attends to objects within a fixed size range at different scales.
We propose an efficient spatial sub-sampling scheme which only operates on fixed-size sub-regions likely to contain objects.
The resulting algorithm is referred to as AutoFocus and results in a 2.5-5 times speed-up during inference when used with SNIP.
- Score: 75.71320993452372
- License:
- Abstract: We present an efficient foveal framework to perform object detection. A scale
normalized image pyramid (SNIP) is generated that, like human vision, only
attends to objects within a fixed size range at different scales. Such a
restriction of objects' size during training affords better learning of
object-sensitive filters, and therefore, results in better accuracy. However,
the use of an image pyramid increases the computational cost. Hence, we propose
an efficient spatial sub-sampling scheme which only operates on fixed-size
sub-regions likely to contain objects (as object locations are known during
training). The resulting approach, referred to as Scale Normalized Image
Pyramid with Efficient Resampling or SNIPER, yields up to 3 times speed-up
during training. Unfortunately, as object locations are unknown during
inference, the entire image pyramid still needs processing. To this end, we
adopt a coarse-to-fine approach, and predict the locations and extent of
object-like regions which will be processed in successive scales of the image
pyramid. Intuitively, it's akin to our active human-vision that first skims
over the field-of-view to spot interesting regions for further processing and
only recognizes objects at the right resolution. The resulting algorithm is
referred to as AutoFocus and results in a 2.5-5 times speed-up during inference
when used with SNIP.
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