SCA-Net: A Self-Correcting Two-Layer Autoencoder for Hyper-spectral
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- Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 19:37:52 GMT
- Title: SCA-Net: A Self-Correcting Two-Layer Autoencoder for Hyper-spectral
- Authors: Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Matthew Lease, Clint Dawson
- Abstract summary: We show that a two-layer autoencoder (SCA-Net) achieves error metrics that are scales apart ($10-5)$ from previously reported values.
We also show that SCA-Net, based upon a bi-orthogonal representation, performs a self-correction when the the number of endmembers are over-specified.
- Score: 3.918940900258555
- License:
- Abstract: Linear Mixture Model for hyperspectral datasets involves separating a mixed
pixel as a linear combination of its constituent endmembers and corresponding
fractional abundances. Both optimization and neural methods have attempted to
tackle this problem, with the current state of the art results achieved by
neural models on benchmark datasets. However, our review of these neural models
show that these networks are severely over-parameterized and consequently the
invariant endmember spectra extracted as decoder weights has a high variance
over multiple runs. All of these approaches require substantial post-processing
to satisfy LMM constraints. Furthermore, they also require an exact
specification of the number of endmembers and specialized initialization of
weights from other algorithms like VCA. Our work shows for the first time that
a two-layer autoencoder (SCA-Net), with $2FK$ parameters ($F$ features, $K$
endmembers), achieves error metrics that are scales apart ($10^{-5})$ from
previously reported values $(10^{-2})$. SCA-Net converges to this low error
solution starting from a random initialization of weights. We also show that
SCA-Net, based upon a bi-orthogonal representation, performs a self-correction
when the the number of endmembers are over-specified. We show that our network
formulation extracts a low-rank representation that is bounded below by a
tail-energy and can be computationally verified. Our numerical experiments on
Samson, Jasper, and Urban datasets demonstrate that SCA-Net outperforms
previously reported error metrics for all the cases while being robust to noise
and outliers.
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