Finite-Time Analysis of Asynchronous Q-Learning with Discrete-Time
Switching System Models
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 15:52:19 GMT
- Title: Finite-Time Analysis of Asynchronous Q-Learning with Discrete-Time
Switching System Models
- Authors: Donghwan Lee
- Abstract summary: We prove that Q-learning with a constant step-size can be naturally formulated as discrete-time switched linear systems.
It offers novel and intuitive insights on Q-learning mainly based on controloretic frameworks.
- Score: 6.85316573653194
- License:
- Abstract: This paper develops a novel framework to analyze the convergence of
Q-learning algorithm from a discrete-time switching system perspective. We
prove that asynchronous Q-learning with a constant step-size can be naturally
formulated as discrete-time stochastic switched linear systems. It offers novel
and intuitive insights on Q-learning mainly based on control theoretic
frameworks. For instance, the proposed analysis explains the overestimation
phenomenon in Q-learning due to the maximization bias. Based on the control
system theoretic argument and some nice structures of Q-learning, a new
finite-time analysis of the Q-learning is given with a novel error bound.
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