Stratified Experience Replay: Correcting Multiplicity Bias in Off-Policy
Reinforcement Learning
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 19:29:18 GMT
- Title: Stratified Experience Replay: Correcting Multiplicity Bias in Off-Policy
Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Brett Daley, Cameron Hickert, Christopher Amato
- Abstract summary: We show that deep RL appears to struggle in the presence of extraneous data.
Recent works have shown that the performance of Deep Q-Network (DQN) degrades when its replay memory becomes too large.
We re-examine the motivation for sampling uniformly over a replay memory, and find that it may be flawed when using function approximation.
- Score: 17.3794999533024
- License:
- Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods rely on experience replay to
approximate the minibatched supervised learning setting; however, unlike
supervised learning where access to lots of training data is crucial to
generalization, replay-based deep RL appears to struggle in the presence of
extraneous data. Recent works have shown that the performance of Deep Q-Network
(DQN) degrades when its replay memory becomes too large.
This suggests that outdated experiences somehow impact the performance of
deep RL, which should not be the case for off-policy methods like DQN.
Consequently, we re-examine the motivation for sampling uniformly over a replay
memory, and find that it may be flawed when using function approximation. We
show that -- despite conventional wisdom -- sampling from the uniform
distribution does not yield uncorrelated training samples and therefore biases
gradients during training. Our theory prescribes a special non-uniform
distribution to cancel this effect, and we propose a stratified sampling scheme
to efficiently implement it.
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