Pyramid Vision Transformer: A Versatile Backbone for Dense Prediction
without Convolutions
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2021 08:33:55 GMT
- Title: Pyramid Vision Transformer: A Versatile Backbone for Dense Prediction
without Convolutions
- Authors: Wenhai Wang, Enze Xie, Xiang Li, Deng-Ping Fan, Kaitao Song, Ding
Liang, Tong Lu, Ping Luo, Ling Shao
- Abstract summary: This work investigates a simple backbone network useful for many dense prediction tasks without convolutions.
Unlike the recently-proposed Transformer model (e.g., ViT) that is specially designed for image classification, we propose Pyramid Vision Transformer(PVT)
PVT can be not only trained on dense partitions of the image to achieve high output resolution, which is important for dense predictions.
- Score: 103.03973037619532
- License:
- Abstract: Although using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as backbones achieves
great successes in computer vision, this work investigates a simple backbone
network useful for many dense prediction tasks without convolutions. Unlike the
recently-proposed Transformer model (e.g., ViT) that is specially designed for
image classification, we propose Pyramid Vision Transformer~(PVT), which
overcomes the difficulties of porting Transformer to various dense prediction
tasks. PVT has several merits compared to prior arts. (1) Different from ViT
that typically has low-resolution outputs and high computational and memory
cost, PVT can be not only trained on dense partitions of the image to achieve
high output resolution, which is important for dense predictions but also using
a progressive shrinking pyramid to reduce computations of large feature maps.
(2) PVT inherits the advantages from both CNN and Transformer, making it a
unified backbone in various vision tasks without convolutions by simply
replacing CNN backbones. (3) We validate PVT by conducting extensive
experiments, showing that it boosts the performance of many downstream tasks,
e.g., object detection, semantic, and instance segmentation. For example, with
a comparable number of parameters, RetinaNet+PVT achieves 40.4 AP on the COCO
dataset, surpassing RetinNet+ResNet50 (36.3 AP) by 4.1 absolute AP. We hope PVT
could serve as an alternative and useful backbone for pixel-level predictions
and facilitate future researches. Code is available at
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