A Data-driven Approach to Estimate User Satisfaction in Multi-turn
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.01287v1
- Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2021 20:00:28 GMT
- Title: A Data-driven Approach to Estimate User Satisfaction in Multi-turn
- Authors: Ziming Li and Dookun Park and Julia Kiseleva and Young-Bum Kim and
Sungjin Lee
- Abstract summary: The evaluation of multi-turn dialogues remains challenging.
assigning the same experience score to two tasks with different complexity levels is misleading.
We develop a new method to estimate the turn-level satisfaction for dialogue, which is context-sensitive and has a long-term view.
- Score: 22.298425763949634
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The evaluation of multi-turn dialogues remains challenging. The common
approach of labeling the user satisfaction with the experience on the dialogue
level does not reflect the task's difficulty. Therefore assigning the same
experience score to two tasks with different complexity levels is misleading.
Another approach, which suggests evaluating each dialogue turn independently,
ignores each turn's long-term influence over the final user experience with
dialogue. We instead develop a new method to estimate the turn-level
satisfaction for dialogue, which is context-sensitive and has a long-term view.
Our approach is data-driven which makes it easily personalized. The
interactions between users and dialogue systems are formulated using a budget
consumption setup. We assume the user has an initial interaction budget for a
conversation based on the task complexity, and each dialogue turn has a cost.
When the task is completed or the budget has been run out, the user will quit
the interaction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by extensive
experimentation with a simulated dialogue platform and a realistic dialogue
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