No Discounted-Regret Learning in Adversarial Bandits with Delays
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- Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 05:15:31 GMT
- Title: No Discounted-Regret Learning in Adversarial Bandits with Delays
- Authors: Ilai Bistritz, Zhengyuan Zhou, Xi Chen, Nicholas Bambos, Jose Blanchet
- Abstract summary: We show that the expected discounted ergodic distribution of play converges to the set of coarse correlated equilibrium (CCE) if the algorithms have "no discounted-regret"
For a zero-sum game, we show that no discounted-regret is sufficient for the discounted ergodic average of play to converge to the set of Nash equilibria.
- Score: 40.670563413892154
- License:
- Abstract: Consider a player that in each round $t$ out of $T$ rounds chooses an action
and observes the incurred cost after a delay of $d_{t}$ rounds. The cost
functions and the delay sequence are chosen by an adversary. We show that even
if the players' algorithms lose their "no regret" property due to too large
delays, the expected discounted ergodic distribution of play converges to the
set of coarse correlated equilibrium (CCE) if the algorithms have "no
discounted-regret". For a zero-sum game, we show that no discounted-regret is
sufficient for the discounted ergodic average of play to converge to the set of
Nash equilibria. We prove that the FKM algorithm with $n$ dimensions achieves a
regret of
$O\left(nT^{\frac{3}{4}}+\sqrt{n}T^{\frac{1}{3}}D^{\frac{1}{3}}\right)$ and the
EXP3 algorithm with $K$ arms achieves a regret of $O\left(\sqrt{\ln
K\left(KT+D\right)}\right)$ even when $D=\sum_{t=1}^{T}d_{t}$ and $T$ are
unknown. These bounds use a novel doubling trick that provably retains the
regret bound for when $D$ and $T$ are known. Using these bounds, we show that
EXP3 and FKM have no discounted-regret even for $d_{t}=O\left(t\log t\right)$.
Therefore, the CCE of a finite or convex unknown game can be approximated even
when only delayed bandit feedback is available via simulation.
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