T-SCI: A Two-Stage Conformal Inference Algorithm with Guaranteed
Coverage for Cox-MLP
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.04556v1
- Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 05:42:05 GMT
- Title: T-SCI: A Two-Stage Conformal Inference Algorithm with Guaranteed
Coverage for Cox-MLP
- Authors: Jiaye Teng, Zeren Tan, Yang Yuan
- Abstract summary: We propose two algorithms for recovering guaranteed coverage in censored data.
First, we revisit weighted conformal inference and introduce a new non-conformity score based on partial likelihood.
We then propose a two-stage algorithm emphT-SCI, where we run WCCI in the first stage and apply quantile conformal inference to calibrate the results in the second stage.
- Score: 13.4379473119565
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: It is challenging to deal with censored data, where we only have access to
the incomplete information of survival time instead of its exact value.
Fortunately, under linear predictor assumption, people can obtain guaranteed
coverage for the confidence band of survival time using methods like Cox
Regression. However, when relaxing the linear assumption with neural networks
(e.g., Cox-MLP \citep{katzman2018deepsurv,kvamme2019time}), we lose the
guaranteed coverage. To recover the guaranteed coverage without linear
assumption, we propose two algorithms based on conformal inference. In the
first algorithm \emph{WCCI}, we revisit weighted conformal inference and
introduce a new non-conformity score based on partial likelihood. We then
propose a two-stage algorithm \emph{T-SCI}, where we run WCCI in the first
stage and apply quantile conformal inference to calibrate the results in the
second stage. Theoretical analysis shows that T-SCI returns guaranteed coverage
under milder assumptions than WCCI. We conduct extensive experiments on
synthetic data and real data using different methods, which validate our
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