Learning to Resize Images for Computer Vision Tasks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.09950v1
- Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 23:43:44 GMT
- Title: Learning to Resize Images for Computer Vision Tasks
- Authors: Hossein Talebi, Peyman Milanfar
- Abstract summary: We show that the typical linear resizer can be replaced with learned resizers that can substantially improve performance.
Our learned image resizer is jointly trained with a baseline vision model.
We show that the proposed resizer can also be useful for fine-tuning the classification baselines for other vision tasks.
- Score: 15.381549764216134
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: For all the ways convolutional neural nets have revolutionized computer
vision in recent years, one important aspect has received surprisingly little
attention: the effect of image size on the accuracy of tasks being trained for.
Typically, to be efficient, the input images are resized to a relatively small
spatial resolution (e.g. 224x224), and both training and inference are carried
out at this resolution. The actual mechanism for this re-scaling has been an
afterthought: Namely, off-the-shelf image resizers such as bilinear and bicubic
are commonly used in most machine learning software frameworks. But do these
resizers limit the on task performance of the trained networks? The answer is
yes. Indeed, we show that the typical linear resizer can be replaced with
learned resizers that can substantially improve performance. Importantly, while
the classical resizers typically result in better perceptual quality of the
downscaled images, our proposed learned resizers do not necessarily give better
visual quality, but instead improve task performance. Our learned image resizer
is jointly trained with a baseline vision model. This learned CNN-based resizer
creates machine friendly visual manipulations that lead to a consistent
improvement of the end task metric over the baseline model. Specifically, here
we focus on the classification task with the ImageNet dataset, and experiment
with four different models to learn resizers adapted to each model. Moreover,
we show that the proposed resizer can also be useful for fine-tuning the
classification baselines for other vision tasks. To this end, we experiment
with three different baselines to develop image quality assessment (IQA) models
on the AVA dataset.
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