Stochastic Reweighted Gradient Descent
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- Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 04:09:43 GMT
- Title: Stochastic Reweighted Gradient Descent
- Authors: Ayoub El Hanchi, David A. Stephens
- Abstract summary: We propose an importance-sampling-based algorithm we call SRG (stochastic reweighted gradient)
We pay particular attention to the time and memory overhead of our proposed method.
We present empirical results to support our findings.
- Score: 4.355567556995855
- License:
- Abstract: Despite the strong theoretical guarantees that variance-reduced finite-sum
optimization algorithms enjoy, their applicability remains limited to cases
where the memory overhead they introduce (SAG/SAGA), or the periodic full
gradient computation they require (SVRG/SARAH) are manageable. A promising
approach to achieving variance reduction while avoiding these drawbacks is the
use of importance sampling instead of control variates. While many such methods
have been proposed in the literature, directly proving that they improve the
convergence of the resulting optimization algorithm has remained elusive. In
this work, we propose an importance-sampling-based algorithm we call SRG
(stochastic reweighted gradient). We analyze the convergence of SRG in the
strongly-convex case and show that, while it does not recover the linear rate
of control variates methods, it provably outperforms SGD. We pay particular
attention to the time and memory overhead of our proposed method, and design a
specialized red-black tree allowing its efficient implementation. Finally, we
present empirical results to support our findings.
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