Quantum impurity models using superpositions of fermionic Gaussian
states: Practical methods and applications
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.01088v1
- Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 18:00:08 GMT
- Title: Quantum impurity models using superpositions of fermionic Gaussian
states: Practical methods and applications
- Authors: Samuel Boutin and Bela Bauer
- Abstract summary: We present a practical approach for performing a variational calculation based on non-orthogonal fermionic Gaussian states.
Our method is based on approximate imaginary-time equations of motion that decouple the dynamics of each state forming the ansatz.
We also study the screening cloud of the two-channel Kondo model, a problem difficult to tackle using existing numerical tools.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The coherent superposition of non-orthogonal fermionic Gaussian states has
been shown to be an efficient approximation to the ground states of quantum
impurity problems [Bravyi and Gosset,Comm. Math. Phys.,356 451 (2017)]. We
present a practical approach for performing a variational calculation based on
such states. Our method is based on approximate imaginary-time equations of
motion that decouple the dynamics of each Gaussian state forming the ansatz. It
is independent of the lattice connectivity of the model and the implementation
is highly parallelizable. To benchmark our variational method, we calculate the
spin-spin correlation function and R\'enyi entanglement entropy of an Anderson
impurity, allowing us to identify the screening cloud and compare to density
matrix renormalization group calculations. Secondly, we study the screening
cloud of the two-channel Kondo model, a problem difficult to tackle using
existing numerical tools.
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