Differential Privacy for Pairwise Learning: Non-convex Analysis
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.03033v1
- Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 02:20:23 GMT
- Title: Differential Privacy for Pairwise Learning: Non-convex Analysis
- Authors: Yilin Kang, Yong Liu, Jian Li, Weiping Wang
- Abstract summary: Pairwise learning focuses on learning relationships with pairwise loss functions.
We analyze the privacy of pairwise learning and propose a new differential privacy paradigm for perturbations.
- Score: 16.815470316398326
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Pairwise learning focuses on learning tasks with pairwise loss functions,
which depend on pairs of training instances, and naturally fits for modeling
relationships between pairs of samples. In this paper, we focus on the privacy
of pairwise learning and propose a new differential privacy paradigm for
pairwise learning, based on gradient perturbation. We analyze the privacy
guarantees from two points of view: the $\ell_2$-sensitivity and the moments
accountant method. We further analyze the generalization error, the excess
empirical risk, and the excess population risk of our proposed method and give
corresponding bounds. By introducing algorithmic stability theory to pairwise
differential privacy, our theoretical analysis does not require convex pairwise
loss functions, which means that our method is general to both convex and
non-convex conditions. Under these circumstances, the utility bounds are better
than previous bounds under convexity or strongly convexity assumption, which is
an attractive result.
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