Real-time Detection of Practical Universal Adversarial Perturbations
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- Date: Sun, 16 May 2021 03:01:29 GMT
- Title: Real-time Detection of Practical Universal Adversarial Perturbations
- Authors: Kenneth T. Co, Luis Mu\~noz-Gonz\'alez, Leslie Kanthan, Emil C. Lupu
- Abstract summary: Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) enable physically realizable and robust attacks against Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)
In this paper we propose HyperNeuron, an efficient and scalable algorithm that allows for the real-time detection of UAPs.
- Score: 3.806971160251168
- License:
- Abstract: Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) are a prominent class of
adversarial examples that exploit the systemic vulnerabilities and enable
physically realizable and robust attacks against Deep Neural Networks (DNNs).
UAPs generalize across many different inputs; this leads to realistic and
effective attacks that can be applied at scale. In this paper we propose
HyperNeuron, an efficient and scalable algorithm that allows for the real-time
detection of UAPs by identifying suspicious neuron hyper-activations. Our
results show the effectiveness of HyperNeuron on multiple tasks (image
classification, object detection), against a wide variety of universal attacks,
and in realistic scenarios, like perceptual ad-blocking and adversarial
patches. HyperNeuron is able to simultaneously detect both adversarial mask and
patch UAPs with comparable or better performance than existing UAP defenses
whilst introducing a significantly reduced latency of only 0.86 milliseconds
per image. This suggests that many realistic and practical universal attacks
can be reliably mitigated in real-time, which shows promise for the robust
deployment of machine learning systems.
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