q-RBFNN:A Quantum Calculus-based RBF Neural Network
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.01370v1
- Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 08:27:12 GMT
- Title: q-RBFNN:A Quantum Calculus-based RBF Neural Network
- Authors: Syed Saiq Hussain, Muhammad Usman, Taha Hasan Masood Siddique, Imran
Naseem, Roberto Togneri, Mohammed Bennamoun
- Abstract summary: A gradient descent based learning approach for the radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) is proposed.
The proposed method is based on the q-gradient which is also known as Jackson derivative.
The proposed $q$-RBFNN is analyzed for its convergence performance in the context of least square algorithm.
- Score: 31.14412266444568
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this research a novel stochastic gradient descent based learning approach
for the radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) is proposed. The proposed
method is based on the q-gradient which is also known as Jackson derivative. In
contrast to the conventional gradient, which finds the tangent, the q-gradient
finds the secant of the function and takes larger steps towards the optimal
solution. The proposed $q$-RBFNN is analyzed for its convergence performance in
the context of least square algorithm. In particular, a closed form expression
of the Wiener solution is obtained, and stability bounds of the learning rate
(step-size) is derived. The analytical results are validated through computer
simulation. Additionally, we propose an adaptive technique for the time-varying
$q$-parameter to improve convergence speed with no trade-offs in the steady
state performance.
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