Partial Graph Reasoning for Neural Network Regularization
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2021 12:57:01 GMT
- Title: Partial Graph Reasoning for Neural Network Regularization
- Authors: Tiange Xiang, Chaoyi Zhang, Yang Song, Siqi Liu, Hongliang Yuan,
Weidong Cai
- Abstract summary: Dropout,as a commonly used regularization technique, disables neuron ac-tivations during network optimization.
We present DropGraph that learns regularization function by constructing a stand-alone graph from the backbone features.
This add-on graph regularizes the network during training and can be completely skipped during inference.
- Score: 26.793648333908905
- License:
- Abstract: Regularizers helped deep neural networks prevent feature co-adaptations.
Dropout,as a commonly used regularization technique, stochastically disables
neuron ac-tivations during network optimization. However, such complete feature
disposal can affect the feature representation and network understanding.
Toward betterdescriptions of latent representations, we present DropGraph that
learns regularization function by constructing a stand-alone graph from the
backbone features. DropGraph first samples stochastic spatial feature vectors
and then incorporates graph reasoning methods to generate feature map
distortions. This add-on graph regularizes the network during training and can
be completely skipped during inference. We provide intuitions on the linkage
between graph reasoning andDropout with further discussions on how partial
graph reasoning method reduces feature correlations. To this end, we
extensively study the modeling of graphvertex dependencies and the utilization
of the graph for distorting backbone featuremaps. DropGraph was validated on
four tasks with a total of 7 different datasets.The experimental results show
that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art regularizers while leaving
the base model structure unmodified during inference.
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