Thompson Sampling for Unimodal Bandits
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- Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 04:51:04 GMT
- Title: Thompson Sampling for Unimodal Bandits
- Authors: Long Yang, Zhao Li, Zehong Hu, Shasha Ruan, Shijian Li, Gang Pan,
Hongyang Chen
- Abstract summary: We propose a Thompson Sampling algorithm for emphunimodal bandits, where the expected reward is unimodal over the partially ordered arms.
For Gaussian rewards, the regret of our algorithm is $mathcalO(log T)$, which is far better than standard Thompson Sampling algorithms.
- Score: 21.514495320038712
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- Abstract: In this paper, we propose a Thompson Sampling algorithm for \emph{unimodal}
bandits, where the expected reward is unimodal over the partially ordered arms.
To exploit the unimodal structure better, at each step, instead of exploration
from the entire decision space, our algorithm makes decision according to
posterior distribution only in the neighborhood of the arm that has the highest
empirical mean estimate. We theoretically prove that, for Bernoulli rewards,
the regret of our algorithm reaches the lower bound of unimodal bandits, thus
it is asymptotically optimal. For Gaussian rewards, the regret of our algorithm
is $\mathcal{O}(\log T)$, which is far better than standard Thompson Sampling
algorithms. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
algorithm on both synthetic data sets and the real-world applications.
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