Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels
and CNN classification
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- Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 08:34:06 GMT
- Title: Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels
and CNN classification
- Authors: Frauke Wilm, Michaela Benz, Volker Bruns, Serop Baghdadlian, Jakob
Dexl, David Hartmann, Petr Kuritcyn, Martin Weidenfeller, Thomas Wittenberg,
Susanne Merkel, Arndt Hartmann, Markus Eckstein, Carol I. Geppert
- Abstract summary: Whole-slide-images typically have to be divided into smaller patches which are then analyzed individually using machine learning-based approaches.
We propose to subdivide the image into coherent regions prior to classification by grouping visually similar adjacent image pixels into larger segments, i.e. superpixels.
The algorithm has been developed and validated on a dataset of 159 hand-annotated whole-slide-images of colon resections and its performance has been compared to a standard patch-based approach.
- Score: 0.22312377591335414
- License:
- Abstract: Whole-slide-image cartography is the process of automatically detecting and
outlining different tissue types in digitized histological specimen. This
semantic segmentation provides a basis for many follow-up analyses and can
potentially guide subsequent medical decisions. Due to their large size,
whole-slide-images typically have to be divided into smaller patches which are
then analyzed individually using machine learning-based approaches. Thereby,
local dependencies of image regions get lost and since a whole-slide-image
comprises many thousands of such patches this process is inherently slow. We
propose to subdivide the image into coherent regions prior to classification by
grouping visually similar adjacent image pixels into larger segments, i.e.
superpixels. Afterwards, only a random subset of patches per superpixel is
classified and patch labels are combined into a single superpixel label. The
algorithm has been developed and validated on a dataset of 159 hand-annotated
whole-slide-images of colon resections and its performance has been compared to
a standard patch-based approach. The algorithm shows an average speed-up of 41%
on the test data and the overall accuracy is increased from 93.8% to 95.7%. We
additionally propose a metric for identifying superpixels with an uncertain
classification so they can be excluded from further analysis. Finally, we
evaluate two potential medical applications, namely tumor area estimation
including tumor invasive margin generation and tumor composition analysis.
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