Reparameterized Sampling for Generative Adversarial Networks
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- Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 10:34:55 GMT
- Title: Reparameterized Sampling for Generative Adversarial Networks
- Authors: Yifei Wang, Yisen Wang, Jiansheng Yang, Zhouchen Lin
- Abstract summary: We propose REP-GAN, a novel sampling method that allows general dependent proposals by REizing the Markov chains into the latent space of the generator.
Empirically, extensive experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that our REP-GAN largely improves the sample efficiency and obtains better sample quality simultaneously.
- Score: 71.30132908130581
- License:
- Abstract: Recently, sampling methods have been successfully applied to enhance the
sample quality of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). However, in practice,
they typically have poor sample efficiency because of the independent proposal
sampling from the generator. In this work, we propose REP-GAN, a novel sampling
method that allows general dependent proposals by REParameterizing the Markov
chains into the latent space of the generator. Theoretically, we show that our
reparameterized proposal admits a closed-form Metropolis-Hastings acceptance
ratio. Empirically, extensive experiments on synthetic and real datasets
demonstrate that our REP-GAN largely improves the sample efficiency and obtains
better sample quality simultaneously.
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