Learned Sorted Table Search and Static Indexes in Small Space:
Methodological and Practical Insights via an Experimental Study
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09480v2
- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 13:56:52 GMT
- Title: Learned Sorted Table Search and Static Indexes in Small Space:
Methodological and Practical Insights via an Experimental Study
- Authors: Domenico Amato and Raffaele Giancarlo and Giosu\`e Lo Bosco
- Abstract summary: Sorted Table Search Procedures are the quintessential query-answering tool, still very useful.
Speeding them up, in small additional space with respect to the table being searched into, is still a quite significant achievement.
To what extent one can enjoy the speed-up of Learned while using constant or nearly constant additional space is a major question.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Sorted Table Search Procedures are the quintessential query-answering tool,
still very useful, e.g, Search Engines (Google Chrome). Speeding them up, in
small additional space with respect to the table being searched into, is still
a quite significant achievement. Static Learned Indexes have been very
successful in achieving such a speed-up, but leave open a major question: To
what extent one can enjoy the speed-up of Learned Indexes while using constant
or nearly constant additional space. By generalizing the experimental
methodology of a recent benchmarking study on Learned Indexes, we shed light on
this question, by considering two scenarios. The first, quite elementary, i.e.,
textbook code, and the second using advanced Learned Indexing algorithms and
the supporting sophisticated software platforms. Although in both cases one
would expect a positive answer, its achievement is not as simple as it seems.
Indeed, our extensive set of experiments reveal a complex relationship between
query time and model space. The findings regarding this relationship and the
corresponding quantitative estimates, across memory levels, can be of interest
to algorithm designers and of use to practitioners as well. As an essential
part of our research, we introduce two new models that are of interest in their
own right. The first is a constant space model that can be seen as a
generalization of $k$-ary search, while the second is a synoptic {\bf RMI}, in
which we can control model space usage.
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