Efficient inference of interventional distributions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11712v2
- Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 15:14:09 GMT
- Title: Efficient inference of interventional distributions
- Authors: Arnab Bhattacharyya, Sutanu Gayen, Saravanan Kandasamy, Vedant Raval,
N. V. Vinodchandran
- Abstract summary: We consider the problem of efficiently inferring interventional distributions in a causal Bayesian network from a finite number of observations.
We show that when $mathbfY$ is an arbitrary set, there is no efficient algorithm that outputs an evaluator of a distribution that is $varepsilon$-close to $P_bf x(mathbfY)$ unless all problems that have statistical zero-knowledge, including the Graph Isomorphism problem, have efficient randomized algorithms.
- Score: 13.31079561447385
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We consider the problem of efficiently inferring interventional distributions
in a causal Bayesian network from a finite number of observations. Let
$\mathcal{P}$ be a causal model on a set $\mathbf{V}$ of observable variables
on a given causal graph $G$. For sets $\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Y}\subseteq
\mathbf{V}$, and setting ${\bf x}$ to $\mathbf{X}$, let $P_{\bf x}(\mathbf{Y})$
denote the interventional distribution on $\mathbf{Y}$ with respect to an
intervention ${\bf x}$ to variables ${\bf x}$. Shpitser and Pearl (AAAI 2006),
building on the work of Tian and Pearl (AAAI 2001), gave an exact
characterization of the class of causal graphs for which the interventional
distribution $P_{\bf x}({\mathbf{Y}})$ can be uniquely determined. We give the
first efficient version of the Shpitser-Pearl algorithm. In particular, under
natural assumptions, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that on input a causal
graph $G$ on observable variables $\mathbf{V}$, a setting ${\bf x}$ of a set
$\mathbf{X} \subseteq \mathbf{V}$ of bounded size, outputs succinct
descriptions of both an evaluator and a generator for a distribution $\hat{P}$
that is $\varepsilon$-close (in total variation distance) to $P_{\bf
x}({\mathbf{Y}})$ where $Y=\mathbf{V}\setminus \mathbf{X}$, if $P_{\bf
x}(\mathbf{Y})$ is identifiable. We also show that when $\mathbf{Y}$ is an
arbitrary set, there is no efficient algorithm that outputs an evaluator of a
distribution that is $\varepsilon$-close to $P_{\bf x}({\mathbf{Y}})$ unless
all problems that have statistical zero-knowledge proofs, including the Graph
Isomorphism problem, have efficient randomized algorithms.
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