Time-Frequency Localization Using Deep Convolutional Maxout Neural
Network in Persian Speech Recognition
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03818v1
- Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 05:46:58 GMT
- Title: Time-Frequency Localization Using Deep Convolutional Maxout Neural
Network in Persian Speech Recognition
- Authors: Arash Dehghani, Seyyed Ali Seyyedsalehi
- Abstract summary: Time-frequency flexibility in some mammals' auditory neurons system improves recognition performance.
This paper proposes a CNN-based structure for time-frequency localization of audio signal information in the ASR acoustic model.
The average recognition score of TFCMNN models is about 1.6% higher than the average of conventional models.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In this paper, a CNN-based structure for time-frequency localization of audio
signal information in the ASR acoustic model is proposed for Persian speech
recognition. Research has shown that the receptive fields' time-frequency
flexibility in some mammals' auditory neurons system improves recognition
performance. Biosystems have inspired many artificial systems because of their
high efficiency and performance, so time-frequency localization has been used
extensively to improve system performance. In the last few years, much work has
been done to localize time-frequency information in ASR systems, which has used
the spatial immutability properties of methods such as TDNN, CNN and LSTM-RNN.
However, most of these models have large parameter volumes and are challenging
to train. In the structure we have designed, called Time-Frequency
Convolutional Maxout Neural Network (TFCMNN), two parallel blocks consisting of
1D-CMNN each have weight sharing in one dimension, are applied simultaneously
but independently to the feature vectors. Then their output is concatenated and
applied to a fully connected Maxout network for classification. To improve the
performance of this structure, we have used newly developed methods and models
such as the maxout, Dropout, and weight normalization. Two experimental sets
were designed and implemented on the Persian FARSDAT speech data set to
evaluate the performance of this model compared to conventional 1D-CMNN models.
According to the experimental results, the average recognition score of TFCMNN
models is about 1.6% higher than the average of conventional models. In
addition, the average training time of the TFCMNN models is about 17 hours
lower than the average training time of traditional models. As a result, as
mentioned in other references, time-frequency localization in ASR systems
increases system accuracy and speeds up the model training process.
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