Dynamics of Non-Gaussian Entanglement of Two Magnetically Coupled Modes
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04129v1
- Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 15:52:34 GMT
- Title: Dynamics of Non-Gaussian Entanglement of Two Magnetically Coupled Modes
- Authors: Radouan Hab-arrih, Ahmed Jellal, Abdeldjalil Merdaci
- Abstract summary: This paper surveys the quantum entanglement of two coupled harmonic oscillators via angular momentum.
We study the effect of the anisotropy $ R=omega_12/omega_22 $, $omega_c$, asymmetry $ |n-m| $ and dynamics on the entanglement.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: This paper surveys the quantum entanglement of two coupled harmonic
oscillators via angular momentum generating a magnetic coupling $\omega_{c}$.
The corresponding Hamiltonian is diagonalized by using three canonical
transformations and then the stationary wave function is obtained. Based on the
Schmidt decomposition, we explicitly determine the Schmidt modes $\lambda_{k}$
with $k\in\left\lbrace 0,1,\cdots,n+m\right\rbrace$, $n$ and $m$ being two
quantum numbers associated to the two oscillators. By studying the effect of
the anisotropy $ R=\omega_{1}^{2}/\omega_{2}^{2} $, $\omega_{c}$, asymmetry $
|n-m| $ and dynamics on the entanglement, we summarize our results as follows.
$ (i)- $ The entanglement becomes very large with the increase of $ (n,m) $. $
(ii)- $ The sensistivity to $\omega_c$ depends on $ (n,m) $ and $R$. $ (iii)- $
The periodic revival of entanglement strongly depends on the physical
parameters and quantum numbers.
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