Risk Bounds and Calibration for a Smart Predict-then-Optimize Method
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08887v1
- Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 19:25:46 GMT
- Title: Risk Bounds and Calibration for a Smart Predict-then-Optimize Method
- Authors: Heyuan Liu, Paul Grigas
- Abstract summary: We show that the SPO+ loss can minimize low excess true risk with high probability.
We show that the results can be strengthened substantially when the feasible region is a level set of bounds.
- Score: 2.28438857884398
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The predict-then-optimize framework is fundamental in practical stochastic
decision-making problems: first predict unknown parameters of an optimization
model, then solve the problem using the predicted values. A natural loss
function in this setting is defined by measuring the decision error induced by
the predicted parameters, which was named the Smart Predict-then-Optimize (SPO)
loss by Elmachtoub and Grigas [arXiv:1710.08005]. Since the SPO loss is
typically nonconvex and possibly discontinuous, Elmachtoub and Grigas
[arXiv:1710.08005] introduced a convex surrogate, called the SPO+ loss, that
importantly accounts for the underlying structure of the optimization model. In
this paper, we greatly expand upon the consistency results for the SPO+ loss
provided by Elmachtoub and Grigas [arXiv:1710.08005]. We develop risk bounds
and uniform calibration results for the SPO+ loss relative to the SPO loss,
which provide a quantitative way to transfer the excess surrogate risk to
excess true risk. By combining our risk bounds with generalization bounds, we
show that the empirical minimizer of the SPO+ loss achieves low excess true
risk with high probability. We first demonstrate these results in the case when
the feasible region of the underlying optimization problem is a polyhedron, and
then we show that the results can be strengthened substantially when the
feasible region is a level set of a strongly convex function. We perform
experiments to empirically demonstrate the strength of the SPO+ surrogate, as
compared to standard $\ell_1$ and squared $\ell_2$ prediction error losses, on
portfolio allocation and cost-sensitive multi-class classification problems.
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