SLIM: Explicit Slot-Intent Mapping with BERT for Joint Multi-Intent
Detection and Slot Filling
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:33:39 GMT
- Title: SLIM: Explicit Slot-Intent Mapping with BERT for Joint Multi-Intent
Detection and Slot Filling
- Authors: Fengyu Cai, Wanhao Zhou, Fei Mi and Boi Faltings
- Abstract summary: Utterance-level intent detection and token-level slot filling are two key tasks for natural language understanding (NLU) in task-oriented systems.
We propose a multi-intent NLU framework, called SLIM, to jointly learn multi-intent detection and slot filling based on BERT.
- Score: 26.037061005620263
- License:
- Abstract: Utterance-level intent detection and token-level slot filling are two key
tasks for natural language understanding (NLU) in task-oriented systems. Most
existing approaches assume that only a single intent exists in an utterance.
However, there are often multiple intents within an utterance in real-life
scenarios. In this paper, we propose a multi-intent NLU framework, called SLIM,
to jointly learn multi-intent detection and slot filling based on BERT. To
fully exploit the existing annotation data and capture the interactions between
slots and intents, SLIM introduces an explicit slot-intent classifier to learn
the many-to-one mapping between slots and intents. Empirical results on three
public multi-intent datasets demonstrate (1) the superior performance of SLIM
compared to the current state-of-the-art for NLU with multiple intents and (2)
the benefits obtained from the slot-intent classifier.
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