Exploring the Capacity of a Large-scale Masked Language Model to
Recognize Grammatical Errors
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12216v1
- Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2021 10:37:14 GMT
- Title: Exploring the Capacity of a Large-scale Masked Language Model to
Recognize Grammatical Errors
- Authors: Ryo Nagata, Manabu Kimura, and Kazuaki Hanawa
- Abstract summary: We show that 5 to 10% of training data are enough for a BERT-based error detection method to achieve performance equivalent to a non-language model-based method.
We also show with pseudo error data that it actually exhibits such nice properties in learning rules for recognizing various types of error.
- Score: 3.55517579369797
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this paper, we explore the capacity of a language model-based method for
grammatical error detection in detail. We first show that 5 to 10% of training
data are enough for a BERT-based error detection method to achieve performance
equivalent to a non-language model-based method can achieve with the full
training data; recall improves much faster with respect to training data size
in the BERT-based method than in the non-language model method while precision
behaves similarly. These suggest that (i) the BERT-based method should have a
good knowledge of grammar required to recognize certain types of error and that
(ii) it can transform the knowledge into error detection rules by fine-tuning
with a few training samples, which explains its high generalization ability in
grammatical error detection. We further show with pseudo error data that it
actually exhibits such nice properties in learning rules for recognizing
various types of error. Finally, based on these findings, we explore a
cost-effective method for detecting grammatical errors with feedback comments
explaining relevant grammatical rules to learners.
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