Searching for Efficient Multi-Stage Vision Transformers
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2021 22:37:56 GMT
- Title: Searching for Efficient Multi-Stage Vision Transformers
- Authors: Yi-Lun Liao and Sertac Karaman and Vivienne Sze
- Abstract summary: Vision Transformer (ViT) demonstrates that Transformer for natural language processing can be applied to computer vision tasks.
ViT-ResNAS is an efficient multi-stage ViT architecture designed with neural architecture search (NAS)
- Score: 42.0565109812926
- License:
- Abstract: Vision Transformer (ViT) demonstrates that Transformer for natural language
processing can be applied to computer vision tasks and result in comparable
performance to convolutional neural networks (CNN), which have been studied and
adopted in computer vision for years. This naturally raises the question of how
the performance of ViT can be advanced with design techniques of CNN. To this
end, we propose to incorporate two techniques and present ViT-ResNAS, an
efficient multi-stage ViT architecture designed with neural architecture search
(NAS). First, we propose residual spatial reduction to decrease sequence
lengths for deeper layers and utilize a multi-stage architecture. When reducing
lengths, we add skip connections to improve performance and stabilize training
deeper networks. Second, we propose weight-sharing NAS with multi-architectural
sampling. We enlarge a network and utilize its sub-networks to define a search
space. A super-network covering all sub-networks is then trained for fast
evaluation of their performance. To efficiently train the super-network, we
propose to sample and train multiple sub-networks with one forward-backward
pass. After that, evolutionary search is performed to discover high-performance
network architectures. Experiments on ImageNet demonstrate that ViT-ResNAS
achieves better accuracy-MACs and accuracy-throughput trade-offs than the
original DeiT and other strong baselines of ViT. Code is available at
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