Ordinal Pooling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01561v1
- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 14:33:02 GMT
- Title: Ordinal Pooling
- Authors: Adrien Deli\`ege, Maxime Istasse, Ashwani Kumar, Christophe De
Vleeschouwer, Marc Van Droogenbroeck
- Abstract summary: Ordinal pooling rearranges elements of a pooling region in a sequence and assigns a different weight to each element based upon its order in the sequence.
Experiments suggest that it is advantageous for the networks to perform different types of pooling operations within a pooling layer.
- Score: 26.873004843826962
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In the framework of convolutional neural networks, downsampling is often
performed with an average-pooling, where all the activations are treated
equally, or with a max-pooling operation that only retains an element with
maximum activation while discarding the others. Both of these operations are
restrictive and have previously been shown to be sub-optimal. To address this
issue, a novel pooling scheme, named\emph{ ordinal pooling}, is introduced in
this work. Ordinal pooling rearranges all the elements of a pooling region in a
sequence and assigns a different weight to each element based upon its order in
the sequence. These weights are used to compute the pooling operation as a
weighted sum of the rearranged elements of the pooling region. They are learned
via a standard gradient-based training, allowing to learn a behavior anywhere
in the spectrum of average-pooling to max-pooling in a differentiable manner.
Our experiments suggest that it is advantageous for the networks to perform
different types of pooling operations within a pooling layer and that a hybrid
behavior between average- and max-pooling is often beneficial. More
importantly, they also demonstrate that ordinal pooling leads to consistent
improvements in the accuracy over average- or max-pooling operations while
speeding up the training and alleviating the issue of the choice of the pooling
operations and activation functions to be used in the networks. In particular,
ordinal pooling mainly helps on lightweight or quantized deep learning
architectures, as typically considered e.g. for embedded applications.
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