Sharp regret bounds for empirical Bayes and compound decision problems
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- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 15:25:37 GMT
- Title: Sharp regret bounds for empirical Bayes and compound decision problems
- Authors: Yury Polyanskiy and Yihong Wu
- Abstract summary: In a Bayes setting the optimal estimator is given by the prior-dependent conditional mean.
We show that for the Poisson model with compactly supported and subexponential priors, the optimal regret scales as $Theta(fraclog nloglog n)2)$ and $Theta(log3 n)$.
- Score: 42.397889421982555
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- Abstract: We consider the classical problems of estimating the mean of an
$n$-dimensional normally (with identity covariance matrix) or Poisson
distributed vector under the squared loss. In a Bayesian setting the optimal
estimator is given by the prior-dependent conditional mean. In a frequentist
setting various shrinkage methods were developed over the last century. The
framework of empirical Bayes, put forth by Robbins (1956), combines Bayesian
and frequentist mindsets by postulating that the parameters are independent but
with an unknown prior and aims to use a fully data-driven estimator to compete
with the Bayesian oracle that knows the true prior. The central figure of merit
is the regret, namely, the total excess risk over the Bayes risk in the worst
case (over the priors). Although this paradigm was introduced more than 60
years ago, little is known about the asymptotic scaling of the optimal regret
in the nonparametric setting.
We show that for the Poisson model with compactly supported and
subexponential priors, the optimal regret scales as $\Theta((\frac{\log
n}{\log\log n})^2)$ and $\Theta(\log^3 n)$, respectively, both attained by the
original estimator of Robbins. For the normal mean model, the regret is shown
to be at least $\Omega((\frac{\log n}{\log\log n})^2)$ and $\Omega(\log^2 n)$
for compactly supported and subgaussian priors, respectively, the former of
which resolves the conjecture of Singh (1979) on the impossibility of achieving
bounded regret; before this work, the best regret lower bound was $\Omega(1)$.
In addition to the empirical Bayes setting, these results are shown to hold in
the compound setting where the parameters are deterministic. As a side
application, the construction in this paper also leads to improved or new lower
bounds for density estimation of Gaussian and Poisson mixtures.
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