The Case for Claim Difficulty Assessment in Automatic Fact Checking
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- Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:59:50 GMT
- Title: The Case for Claim Difficulty Assessment in Automatic Fact Checking
- Authors: Prakhar Singh and Anubrata Das and Junyi Jessy Li and Matthew Lease
- Abstract summary: We argue that prediction of claim difficulty is a missing component of today's automated fact-checking architectures.
We describe how this difficulty prediction task might be split into a set of distinct subtasks.
- Score: 18.230039157836888
- License:
- Abstract: Fact-checking is the process (human, automated, or hybrid) by which claims
(i.e., purported facts) are evaluated for veracity. In this article, we raise
an issue that has received little attention in prior work - that some claims
are far more difficult to fact-check than others. We discuss the implications
this has for both practical fact-checking and research on automated
fact-checking, including task formulation and dataset design. We report a
manual analysis undertaken to explore factors underlying varying claim
difficulty and categorize several distinct types of difficulty. We argue that
prediction of claim difficulty is a missing component of today's automated
fact-checking architectures, and we describe how this difficulty prediction
task might be split into a set of distinct subtasks.
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