Efficient Modelling Across Time of Human Actions and Interactions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02120v1
- Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021 15:39:11 GMT
- Title: Efficient Modelling Across Time of Human Actions and Interactions
- Authors: Alexandros Stergiou
- Abstract summary: We argue that current fixed-sized-temporal kernels in 3 convolutional neural networks (CNNDs) can be improved to better deal with temporal variations in the input.
We study how we can better handle between classes of actions, by enhancing their feature differences over different layers of the architecture.
The proposed approaches are evaluated on several benchmark action recognition datasets and show competitive results.
- Score: 92.39082696657874
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: This thesis focuses on video understanding for human action and interaction
recognition. We start by identifying the main challenges related to action
recognition from videos and review how they have been addressed by current
Based on these challenges, and by focusing on the temporal aspect of actions,
we argue that current fixed-sized spatio-temporal kernels in 3D convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) can be improved to better deal with temporal variations
in the input. Our contributions are based on the enlargement of the
convolutional receptive fields through the introduction of spatio-temporal
size-varying segments of videos, as well as the discovery of the local feature
relevance over the entire video sequence. The resulting extracted features
encapsulate information that includes the importance of local features across
multiple temporal durations, as well as the entire video sequence.
Subsequently, we study how we can better handle variations between classes of
actions, by enhancing their feature differences over different layers of the
architecture. The hierarchical extraction of features models variations of
relatively similar classes the same as very dissimilar classes. Therefore,
distinctions between similar classes are less likely to be modelled. The
proposed approach regularises feature maps by amplifying features that
correspond to the class of the video that is processed. We move away from
class-agnostic networks and make early predictions based on feature
amplification mechanism.
The proposed approaches are evaluated on several benchmark action recognition
datasets and show competitive results. In terms of performance, we compete with
the state-of-the-art while being more efficient in terms of GFLOPs.
Finally, we present a human-understandable approach aimed at providing visual
explanations for features learned over spatio-temporal networks.
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