Causal ImageNet: How to discover spurious features in Deep Learning?
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- Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 15:55:05 GMT
- Title: Causal ImageNet: How to discover spurious features in Deep Learning?
- Authors: Sahil Singla, Soheil Feizi
- Abstract summary: A key reason for the lack of reliability of deep neural networks in the real world is their heavy reliance on it spurious input features that are causally unrelated to the true label.
In this work, we introduce a it scalable framework to discover a subset of spurious and causal visual attributes used in inferences of a general model.
We show that these neural feature annotations it generalize extremely well to many more images it without any human supervision.
- Score: 44.053067014796596
- License:
- Abstract: A key reason for the lack of reliability of deep neural networks in the real
world is their heavy reliance on {\it spurious} input features that are
causally unrelated to the true label. Focusing on image classifications, we
define causal attributes as the set of visual features that are always a part
of the object while spurious attributes are the ones that are likely to {\it
co-occur} with the object but not a part of it (e.g., attribute ``fingers" for
class ``band aid"). Traditional methods for discovering spurious features
either require extensive human annotations (thus, not scalable), or are useful
on specific models. In this work, we introduce a {\it scalable} framework to
discover a subset of spurious and causal visual attributes used in inferences
of a general model and localize them on a large number of images with minimal
human supervision. Our methodology is based on this key idea: to identify
spurious or causal \textit{visual attributes} used in model predictions, we
identify spurious or causal \textit{neural features} (penultimate layer neurons
of a robust model) via limited human supervision (e.g., using top 5 activating
images per feature). We then show that these neural feature annotations {\it
generalize} extremely well to many more images {\it without} any human
supervision. We use the activation maps for these neural features as the soft
masks to highlight spurious or causal visual attributes. Using this
methodology, we introduce the {\it Causal Imagenet} dataset containing causal
and spurious masks for a large set of samples from Imagenet. We assess the
performance of several popular Imagenet models and show that they rely heavily
on various spurious features in their predictions.
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