Representation Learning for Online and Offline RL in Low-rank MDPs
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- Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2021 22:04:34 GMT
- Title: Representation Learning for Online and Offline RL in Low-rank MDPs
- Authors: Masatoshi Uehara, Xuezhou Zhang, Wen Sun
- Abstract summary: We focus on the low-rank Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) where the transition dynamics correspond to a low-rank transition matrix.
For the online setting, operating with the same computational oracles used in FLAMBE, we propose an algorithm REP-UCB Upper Confidence Bound Representation learning for RL.
For the offline RL setting, we develop an algorithm that leverages pessimism to learn under a partial coverage condition.
- Score: 36.398511188102205
- License:
- Abstract: This work studies the question of Representation Learning in RL: how can we
learn a compact low-dimensional representation such that on top of the
representation we can perform RL procedures such as exploration and
exploitation, in a sample efficient manner. We focus on the low-rank Markov
Decision Processes (MDPs) where the transition dynamics correspond to a
low-rank transition matrix. Unlike prior works that assume the representation
is known (e.g., linear MDPs), here we need to learn the representation for the
low-rank MDP. We study both the online RL and offline RL settings. For the
online setting, operating with the same computational oracles used in FLAMBE
(Agarwal, the state-of-art algorithm for learning representations in
low-rank MDPs, we propose an algorithm REP-UCB Upper Confidence Bound driven
Representation learning for RL), which significantly improves the sample
complexity from $\widetilde{O}( A^9 d^7 / (\epsilon^{10} (1-\gamma)^{22}))$ for
FLAMBE to $\widetilde{O}( A^4 d^4 / (\epsilon^2 (1-\gamma)^{3}) )$ with $d$
being the rank of the transition matrix (or dimension of the ground truth
representation), $A$ being the number of actions, and $\gamma$ being the
discounted factor. Notably, REP-UCB is simpler than FLAMBE, as it directly
balances the interplay between representation learning, exploration, and
exploitation, while FLAMBE is an explore-then-commit style approach and has to
perform reward-free exploration step-by-step forward in time. For the offline
RL setting, we develop an algorithm that leverages pessimism to learn under a
partial coverage condition: our algorithm is able to compete against any policy
as long as it is covered by the offline distribution.
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