Focus on what matters: Applying Discourse Coherence Theory to Cross
Document Coreference
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:41:47 GMT
- Title: Focus on what matters: Applying Discourse Coherence Theory to Cross
Document Coreference
- Authors: William Held, Dan Iter, Dan Jurafsky
- Abstract summary: Event and entity coreference resolution across documents vastly increases the number of candidate mentions, making it intractable to do the full $n2$ pairwise comparisons.
Existing approaches simplify by considering coreference only within document clusters, but this fails to handle inter-cluster coreference.
We draw on an insight from discourse coherence theory: potential coreferences are constrained by the reader's discourse focus.
Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results for both events and entities on the ECB+, Gun Violence, Football Coreference, and Cross-Domain Cross-Document Coreference corpora.
- Score: 22.497877069528087
- License:
- Abstract: Performing event and entity coreference resolution across documents vastly
increases the number of candidate mentions, making it intractable to do the
full $n^2$ pairwise comparisons. Existing approaches simplify by considering
coreference only within document clusters, but this fails to handle
inter-cluster coreference, common in many applications. As a result
cross-document coreference algorithms are rarely applied to downstream tasks.
We draw on an insight from discourse coherence theory: potential coreferences
are constrained by the reader's discourse focus. We model the entities/events
in a reader's focus as a neighborhood within a learned latent embedding space
which minimizes the distance between mentions and the centroids of their gold
coreference clusters. We then use these neighborhoods to sample only hard
negatives to train a fine-grained classifier on mention pairs and their local
discourse features. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results for both
events and entities on the ECB+, Gun Violence, Football Coreference, and
Cross-Domain Cross-Document Coreference corpora. Furthermore, training on
multiple corpora improves average performance across all datasets by 17.2 F1
points, leading to a robust coreference resolution model for use in downstream
tasks where link distribution is unknown.
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