Sub-Setting Algorithm for Training Data Selection in Pattern Recognition
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- Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 06:42:41 GMT
- Title: Sub-Setting Algorithm for Training Data Selection in Pattern Recognition
- Authors: AGaurav Arwade and Sigurdur Olafsson
- Abstract summary: This paper proposes a training data selection algorithm that identifies multiple subsets with simple structures.
A sub-setting algorithm identifies multiple subsets with simple local patterns by identifying similar instances in the neighborhood of an instance.
Our bottom-up sub-setting algorithm performed on an average 15% better than the top-down decision tree learned on the entire dataset.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Modern pattern recognition tasks use complex algorithms that take advantage
of large datasets to make more accurate predictions than traditional algorithms
such as decision trees or k-nearest-neighbor better suited to describe simple
structures. While increased accuracy is often crucial, less complexity also has
value. This paper proposes a training data selection algorithm that identifies
multiple subsets with simple structures. A learning algorithm trained on such a
subset can classify an instance belonging to the subset with better accuracy
than the traditional learning algorithms. In other words, while existing
pattern recognition algorithms attempt to learn a global mapping function to
represent the entire dataset, we argue that an ensemble of simple local
patterns may better describe the data. Hence the sub-setting algorithm
identifies multiple subsets with simple local patterns by identifying similar
instances in the neighborhood of an instance. This motivation has similarities
to that of gradient boosted trees but focuses on the explainability of the
model that is missing for boosted trees. The proposed algorithm thus balances
accuracy and explainable machine learning by identifying a limited number of
subsets with simple structures. We applied the proposed algorithm to the
international stroke dataset to predict the probability of survival. Our
bottom-up sub-setting algorithm performed on an average 15% better than the
top-down decision tree learned on the entire dataset. The different decision
trees learned on the identified subsets use some of the previously unused
features by the whole dataset decision tree, and each subset represents a
distinct population of data.
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