What Happens after SGD Reaches Zero Loss? --A Mathematical Framework
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06914v1
- Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 17:50:46 GMT
- Title: What Happens after SGD Reaches Zero Loss? --A Mathematical Framework
- Authors: Zhiyuan Li, Tianhao Wang, Sanjeev Arora
- Abstract summary: Understanding the implicit bias of Gradient Descent (SGD) is one of the key challenges in deep learning.
This paper gives a general framework for such analysis by adapting ideas from Katzenberger (1991).
It yields some new results: (1) a global analysis of the implicit bias valid for $eta-2$ steps, in contrast to the local analysis of Blanc et al. ( 2020) that is only valid for $eta-1.6$ steps and (2) allowing arbitrary noise covariance.
- Score: 35.31946061894308
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Understanding the implicit bias of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is one
of the key challenges in deep learning, especially for overparametrized models,
where the local minimizers of the loss function $L$ can form a manifold.
Intuitively, with a sufficiently small learning rate $\eta$, SGD tracks
Gradient Descent (GD) until it gets close to such manifold, where the gradient
noise prevents further convergence. In such a regime, Blanc et al. (2020)
proved that SGD with label noise locally decreases a regularizer-like term, the
sharpness of loss, $\mathrm{tr}[\nabla^2 L]$. The current paper gives a general
framework for such analysis by adapting ideas from Katzenberger (1991). It
allows in principle a complete characterization for the regularization effect
of SGD around such manifold -- i.e., the "implicit bias" -- using a stochastic
differential equation (SDE) describing the limiting dynamics of the parameters,
which is determined jointly by the loss function and the noise covariance. This
yields some new results: (1) a global analysis of the implicit bias valid for
$\eta^{-2}$ steps, in contrast to the local analysis of Blanc et al. (2020)
that is only valid for $\eta^{-1.6}$ steps and (2) allowing arbitrary noise
covariance. As an application, we show with arbitrary large initialization,
label noise SGD can always escape the kernel regime and only requires
$O(\kappa\ln d)$ samples for learning an $\kappa$-sparse overparametrized
linear model in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (Woodworth et al., 2020), while GD initialized
in the kernel regime requires $\Omega(d)$ samples. This upper bound is minimax
optimal and improves the previous $\tilde{O}(\kappa^2)$ upper bound (HaoChen et
al., 2020).
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