Independent Natural Policy Gradient Always Converges in Markov Potential
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- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 15:15:10 GMT
- Title: Independent Natural Policy Gradient Always Converges in Markov Potential
- Authors: Roy Fox, Stephen McAleer, Will Overman, Ioannis Panageas
- Abstract summary: We study mixed cooperative/competitive games called Markov Potential Games (MPGs)
We prove that Independent Natural Policy Gradient always converges in MPGs using constant learning rates.
We complement our theoretical results with experiments that indicate that Natural Policy Gradient outperforms Policy Gradient in routing games and congestion games.
- Score: 18.43622733760659
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- Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning has been successfully applied to
fully-cooperative and fully-competitive environments, but little is currently
known about mixed cooperative/competitive environments. In this paper, we focus
on a particular class of multi-agent mixed cooperative/competitive stochastic
games called Markov Potential Games (MPGs), which include cooperative games as
a special case. Recent results have shown that independent policy gradient
converges in MPGs but it was not known whether Independent Natural Policy
Gradient converges in MPGs as well. We prove that Independent Natural Policy
Gradient always converges in the last iterate using constant learning rates.
The proof deviates from the existing approaches and the main challenge lies in
the fact that Markov Potential Games do not have unique optimal values (as
single-agent settings exhibit) so different initializations can lead to
different limit point values. We complement our theoretical results with
experiments that indicate that Natural Policy Gradient outperforms Policy
Gradient in routing games and congestion games.
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