Break your Bandit Routine with LSD Rewards: a Last Switch Dependent
Analysis of Satiation and Seasonality
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- Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:53:13 GMT
- Title: Break your Bandit Routine with LSD Rewards: a Last Switch Dependent
Analysis of Satiation and Seasonality
- Authors: Pierre Laforgue, Giulia Clerici, Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi, Ran
- Abstract summary: We introduce a novel non-stationary bandit problem, where the expected reward of an arm is fully determined by the time elapsed since the arm last took part in a switch of actions.
Our model generalizes previous notions of delay-dependent rewards, and also relaxes most assumptions on the reward function.
We prove an algorithm and prove a bound on its regret with respect to the optimal non-stationary policy.
- Score: 6.146046338698175
- License:
- Abstract: Motivated by the fact that humans like some level of unpredictability or
novelty, and might therefore get quickly bored when interacting with a
stationary policy, we introduce a novel non-stationary bandit problem, where
the expected reward of an arm is fully determined by the time elapsed since the
arm last took part in a switch of actions. Our model generalizes previous
notions of delay-dependent rewards, and also relaxes most assumptions on the
reward function. This enables the modeling of phenomena such as progressive
satiation and periodic behaviours. Building upon the Combinatorial Semi-Bandits
(CSB) framework, we design an algorithm and prove a bound on its regret with
respect to the optimal non-stationary policy (which is NP-hard to compute).
Similarly to previous works, our regret analysis is based on defining and
solving an appropriate trade-off between approximation and estimation.
Preliminary experiments confirm the superiority of our algorithm over both the
oracle greedy approach and a vanilla CSB solver.
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