Open Problem: Tight Online Confidence Intervals for RKHS Elements
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:36:20 GMT
- Title: Open Problem: Tight Online Confidence Intervals for RKHS Elements
- Authors: Sattar Vakili, Jonathan Scarlett, Tara Javidi
- Abstract summary: We formalize the question of online confidence intervals in the RKHS setting and overview the existing results.
It is unclear whether the suboptimal regret bound is a fundamental shortcoming of these algorithms or an artifact of the proof.
- Score: 57.363123214464764
- License:
- Abstract: Confidence intervals are a crucial building block in the analysis of various
online learning problems. The analysis of kernel based bandit and reinforcement
learning problems utilize confidence intervals applicable to the elements of a
reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). However, the existing confidence
bounds do not appear to be tight, resulting in suboptimal regret bounds. In
fact, the existing regret bounds for several kernelized bandit algorithms
(e.g., GP-UCB, GP-TS, and their variants) may fail to even be sublinear. It is
unclear whether the suboptimal regret bound is a fundamental shortcoming of
these algorithms or an artifact of the proof, and the main challenge seems to
stem from the online (sequential) nature of the observation points. We
formalize the question of online confidence intervals in the RKHS setting and
overview the existing results.
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