One Step at a Time: Pros and Cons of Multi-Step Meta-Gradient
Reinforcement Learning
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 08:36:52 GMT
- Title: One Step at a Time: Pros and Cons of Multi-Step Meta-Gradient
Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Cl\'ement Bonnet, Paul Caron, Thomas Barrett, Ian Davies, Alexandre
- Abstract summary: We introduce a novel method mixing multiple inner steps that enjoys a more accurate and robust meta-gradient signal.
When applied to the Snake game, the mixing meta-gradient algorithm can cut the variance by a factor of 3 while achieving similar or higher performance.
- Score: 61.662504399411695
- License:
- Abstract: Self-tuning algorithms that adapt the learning process online encourage more
effective and robust learning. Among all the methods available, meta-gradients
have emerged as a promising approach. They leverage the differentiability of
the learning rule with respect to some hyper-parameters to adapt them in an
online fashion. Although meta-gradients can be accumulated over multiple
learning steps to avoid myopic updates, this is rarely used in practice. In
this work, we demonstrate that whilst multi-step meta-gradients do provide a
better learning signal in expectation, this comes at the cost of a significant
increase in variance, hindering performance. In the light of this analysis, we
introduce a novel method mixing multiple inner steps that enjoys a more
accurate and robust meta-gradient signal, essentially trading off bias and
variance in meta-gradient estimation. When applied to the Snake game, the
mixing meta-gradient algorithm can cut the variance by a factor of 3 while
achieving similar or higher performance.
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