Interplay of nonreciprocity and nonlinearity on mean-field energy and
dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 17:51:23 GMT
- Title: Interplay of nonreciprocity and nonlinearity on mean-field energy and
dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential
- Authors: Yi-Piao Wu, Guo-Qing Zhang, Cai-Xia Zhang, Jian Xu, and Dan-Wei Zhang
- Abstract summary: We investigate the mean-field energy spectrum and dynamics in a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential with non-Hermiticity.
We show that the interplay of nonreciprocity and nonlinearity leads to exotic properties.
- Score: 3.633076738357535
- License:
- Abstract: We investigate the mean-field energy spectrum and dynamics in a Bose-Einstein
condensate in a double-well potential with non-Hermiticity from the
nonreciprocal hopping, and show that the interplay of nonreciprocity and
nonlinearity leads to exotic properties. Under the two-mode and mean-field
approximations, the nonreciprocal generalization of the nonlinear
Schr\"{o}dinger equation and Bloch equations of motion for this system are
obtained. We analyze the PT phase diagram and the dynamical stability of fixed
points. The reentrance of PT-symmetric phase and the reformation of stable
fixed points with increasing the nonreciprocity parameter are found. Besides,
we uncover a linear self-trapping effect induced by the nonreciprocity. In the
nonlinear case, the self-trapping oscillation is enhanced by the nonreciprocity
and then collapses in the PT-broken phase, and can finally be recovered in the
reentrant PT-symmetric phase.
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