Explainable k-means. Don't be greedy, plant bigger trees!
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03193v1
- Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 23:15:17 GMT
- Title: Explainable k-means. Don't be greedy, plant bigger trees!
- Authors: Konstantin Makarychev, Liren Shan
- Abstract summary: We provide a new bi-criteria $tildeO(log2 k)$ competitive algorithm for explainable $k$-means clustering.
Explainable $k$-means was recently introduced by Dasgupta, Frost, Moshkovitz, and Rashtchian (ICML 2020)
- Score: 12.68470213641421
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: We provide a new bi-criteria $\tilde{O}(\log^2 k)$ competitive algorithm for
explainable $k$-means clustering. Explainable $k$-means was recently introduced
by Dasgupta, Frost, Moshkovitz, and Rashtchian (ICML 2020). It is described by
an easy to interpret and understand (threshold) decision tree or diagram. The
cost of the explainable $k$-means clustering equals to the sum of costs of its
clusters; and the cost of each cluster equals the sum of squared distances from
the points in the cluster to the center of that cluster. Our randomized
bi-criteria algorithm constructs a threshold decision tree that partitions the
data set into $(1+\delta)k$ clusters (where $\delta\in (0,1)$ is a parameter of
the algorithm). The cost of this clustering is at most $\tilde{O}(1/\delta
\cdot \log^2 k)$ times the cost of the optimal unconstrained $k$-means
clustering. We show that this bound is almost optimal.
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