TransMix: Attend to Mix for Vision Transformers
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 17:59:42 GMT
- Title: TransMix: Attend to Mix for Vision Transformers
- Authors: Jie-Neng Chen, Shuyang Sun, Ju He, Philip Torr, Alan Yuille, Song Bai
- Abstract summary: We propose TransMix, which mixes labels based on the attention maps of Vision Transformers.
The confidence of the label will be larger if the corresponding input image is weighted higher by the attention map.
TransMix consistently improves various ViT-based models at scales on ImageNet classification.
- Score: 26.775918851867246
- License:
- Abstract: Mixup-based augmentation has been found to be effective for generalizing
models during training, especially for Vision Transformers (ViTs) since they
can easily overfit. However, previous mixup-based methods have an underlying
prior knowledge that the linearly interpolated ratio of targets should be kept
the same as the ratio proposed in input interpolation. This may lead to a
strange phenomenon that sometimes there is no valid object in the mixed image
due to the random process in augmentation but there is still response in the
label space. To bridge such gap between the input and label spaces, we propose
TransMix, which mixes labels based on the attention maps of Vision
Transformers. The confidence of the label will be larger if the corresponding
input image is weighted higher by the attention map. TransMix is embarrassingly
simple and can be implemented in just a few lines of code without introducing
any extra parameters and FLOPs to ViT-based models. Experimental results show
that our method can consistently improve various ViT-based models at scales on
ImageNet classification. After pre-trained with TransMix on ImageNet, the
ViT-based models also demonstrate better transferability to semantic
segmentation, object detection and instance segmentation. TransMix also
exhibits to be more robust when evaluating on 4 different benchmarks. Code will
be made publicly available at
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