PatchCensor: Patch Robustness Certification for Transformers via
Exhaustive Testing
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- Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 16:22:50 GMT
- Title: PatchCensor: Patch Robustness Certification for Transformers via
Exhaustive Testing
- Authors: Yuheng Huang, Lei Ma, Yuanchun Li
- Abstract summary: Vision Transformer (ViT) is known to be highly nonlinear like other classical neural networks and could be easily fooled by both natural and adversarial patch perturbations.
This limitation could pose a threat to the deployment of ViT in the real industrial environment, especially in safety-critical scenarios.
We propose PatchCensor, aiming to certify the patch robustness of ViT by applying exhaustive testing.
- Score: 7.88628640954152
- License:
- Abstract: Vision Transformer (ViT) is known to be highly nonlinear like other classical
neural networks and could be easily fooled by both natural and adversarial
patch perturbations. This limitation could pose a threat to the deployment of
ViT in the real industrial environment, especially in safety-critical
scenarios. In this work, we propose PatchCensor, aiming to certify the patch
robustness of ViT by applying exhaustive testing. We try to provide a provable
guarantee by considering the worst patch attack scenarios. Unlike empirical
defenses against adversarial patches that may be adaptively breached, certified
robust approaches can provide a certified accuracy against arbitrary attacks
under certain conditions. However, existing robustness certifications are
mostly based on robust training, which often requires substantial training
efforts and the sacrifice of model performance on normal samples. To bridge the
gap, PatchCensor seeks to improve the robustness of the whole system by
detecting abnormal inputs instead of training a robust model and asking it to
give reliable results for every input, which may inevitably compromise
accuracy. Specifically, each input is tested by voting over multiple inferences
with different mutated attention masks, where at least one inference is
guaranteed to exclude the abnormal patch. This can be seen as complete-coverage
testing, which could provide a statistical guarantee on inference at the test
time. Our comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that PatchCensor is able to
achieve high certified accuracy (e.g. 67.1% on ImageNet for 2%-pixel
adversarial patches), significantly outperforming state-of-the-art techniques
while achieving similar clean accuracy (81.8% on ImageNet). Meanwhile, our
technique also supports flexible configurations to handle different adversarial
patch sizes (up to 25%) by simply changing the masking strategy.
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