Improved Learning Bounds for Branch-and-Cut
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 04:07:29 GMT
- Title: Improved Learning Bounds for Branch-and-Cut
- Authors: Maria-Florina Balcan, Siddharth Prasad, Tuomas Sandholm, Ellen
- Abstract summary: Branch-and-cut is the most widely used algorithm for solving integer programs.
An increasingly popular approach is to use machine learning to tune these parameters.
In this paper, we prove sample guarantees for this procedure.
- Score: 98.92725321081994
- License:
- Abstract: Branch-and-cut is the most widely used algorithm for solving integer
programs, employed by commercial solvers like CPLEX and Gurobi. Branch-and-cut
has a wide variety of tunable parameters that have a huge impact on the size of
the search tree that it builds, but are challenging to tune by hand. An
increasingly popular approach is to use machine learning to tune these
parameters: using a training set of integer programs from the application
domain at hand, the goal is to find a configuration with strong predicted
performance on future, unseen integer programs from the same domain. If the
training set is too small, a configuration may have good performance over the
training set but poor performance on future integer programs. In this paper, we
prove sample complexity guarantees for this procedure, which bound how large
the training set should be to ensure that for any configuration, its average
performance over the training set is close to its expected future performance.
Our guarantees apply to parameters that control the most important aspects of
branch-and-cut: node selection, branching constraint selection, and cutting
plane selection, and are sharper and more general than those found in prior
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