Dictionary-based Low-Rank Approximations and the Mixed Sparse Coding
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12399v1
- Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 10:32:48 GMT
- Title: Dictionary-based Low-Rank Approximations and the Mixed Sparse Coding
- Authors: Jeremy E. Cohen
- Abstract summary: I show how to adapt an efficient MSC solver based on the LASSO to compute Dictionary-based Matrix Factorization and Canonical Polyadic Decomposition.
I show how to adapt an efficient MSC solver based on the LASSO to compute Dictionary-based Matrix Factorization and Canonical Polyadic Decomposition in the context of hyperspectral image processing and chemometrics.
- Score: 7.132368785057316
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Constrained tensor and matrix factorization models allow to extract
interpretable patterns from multiway data. Therefore identifiability properties
and efficient algorithms for constrained low-rank approximations are nowadays
important research topics. This work deals with columns of factor matrices of a
low-rank approximation being sparse in a known and possibly overcomplete basis,
a model coined as Dictionary-based Low-Rank Approximation (DLRA). While earlier
contributions focused on finding factor columns inside a dictionary of
candidate columns, i.e. one-sparse approximations, this work is the first to
tackle DLRA with sparsity larger than one. I propose to focus on the
sparse-coding subproblem coined Mixed Sparse-Coding (MSC) that emerges when
solving DLRA with an alternating optimization strategy. Several algorithms
based on sparse-coding heuristics (greedy methods, convex relaxations) are
provided to solve MSC. The performance of these heuristics is evaluated on
simulated data. Then, I show how to adapt an efficient MSC solver based on the
LASSO to compute Dictionary-based Matrix Factorization and Canonical Polyadic
Decomposition in the context of hyperspectral image processing and
chemometrics. These experiments suggest that DLRA extends the modeling
capabilities of low-rank approximations, helps reducing estimation variance and
enhances the identifiability and interpretability of estimated factors.
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