Towards Cross-Cultural Analysis using Music Information Dynamics
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 16:05:29 GMT
- Title: Towards Cross-Cultural Analysis using Music Information Dynamics
- Authors: Shlomo Dubnov, Kevin Huang and Cheng-i Wang
- Abstract summary: Music from different cultures establish different aesthetics by having different style conventions on two aspects.
We propose a framework that could be used to quantitatively compare music from different cultures by looking at these two aspects.
- Score: 7.4517333921953215
- License:
- Abstract: A music piece is both comprehended hierarchically, from sonic events to
melodies, and sequentially, in the form of repetition and variation. Music from
different cultures establish different aesthetics by having different style
conventions on these two aspects. We propose a framework that could be used to
quantitatively compare music from different cultures by looking at these two
The framework is based on an Music Information Dynamics model, a Variable
Markov Oracle (VMO), and is extended with a variational representation learning
of audio. A variational autoencoder (VAE) is trained to map audio fragments
into a latent representation. The latent representation is fed into a VMO. The
VMO then learns a clustering of the latent representation via a threshold that
maximizes the information rate of the quantized latent representation sequence.
This threshold effectively controls the sensibility of the predictive step to
acoustic changes, which determines the framework's ability to track repetitions
on longer time scales. This approach allows characterization of the overall
information contents of a musical signal at each level of acoustic sensibility.
Our findings under this framework show that sensibility to subtle acoustic
changes is higher for East-Asian musical traditions, while the Western works
exhibit longer motivic structures at higher thresholds of differences in the
latent space. This suggests that a profile of information contents, analyzed as
a function of the level of acoustic detail can serve as a possible cultural
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