ORCHARD: A Benchmark For Measuring Systematic Generalization of
Multi-Hierarchical Reasoning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14034v1
- Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 03:11:37 GMT
- Title: ORCHARD: A Benchmark For Measuring Systematic Generalization of
Multi-Hierarchical Reasoning
- Authors: Bill Tuck Weng Pung, Alvin Chan
- Abstract summary: We show that Transformer and LSTM models surprisingly fail in systematic generalization.
We also show that with increased references between hierarchies, Transformer performs no better than random.
- Score: 8.004425059996963
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The ability to reason with multiple hierarchical structures is an attractive
and desirable property of sequential inductive biases for natural language
processing. Do the state-of-the-art Transformers and LSTM architectures
implicitly encode for these biases? To answer this, we propose ORCHARD, a
diagnostic dataset for systematically evaluating hierarchical reasoning in
state-of-the-art neural sequence models. While there have been prior evaluation
frameworks such as ListOps or Logical Inference, our work presents a novel and
more natural setting where our models learn to reason with multiple explicit
hierarchical structures instead of only one, i.e., requiring the ability to do
both long-term sequence memorizing, relational reasoning while reasoning with
hierarchical structure. Consequently, backed by a set of rigorous experiments,
we show that (1) Transformer and LSTM models surprisingly fail in systematic
generalization, and (2) with increased references between hierarchies,
Transformer performs no better than random.
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