Clustering Mixtures with Almost Optimal Separation in Polynomial Time
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- Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:34:09 GMT
- Title: Clustering Mixtures with Almost Optimal Separation in Polynomial Time
- Authors: Jerry Li, Allen Liu
- Abstract summary: We consider the problem of clustering mixtures of mean-separated Gaussians in high dimensions.
It is folklore that separation $Delta = Theta (sqrtlog k)$ is both necessary and sufficient to recover a good clustering.
We give an algorithm which takes many samples and time, and which can successfully recover a good clustering.
- Score: 21.509452343745252
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- Abstract: We consider the problem of clustering mixtures of mean-separated Gaussians in
high dimensions. We are given samples from a mixture of $k$ identity covariance
Gaussians, so that the minimum pairwise distance between any two pairs of means
is at least $\Delta$, for some parameter $\Delta > 0$, and the goal is to
recover the ground truth clustering of these samples. It is folklore that
separation $\Delta = \Theta (\sqrt{\log k})$ is both necessary and sufficient
to recover a good clustering, at least information theoretically. However, the
estimators which achieve this guarantee are inefficient. We give the first
algorithm which runs in polynomial time, and which almost matches this
guarantee. More precisely, we give an algorithm which takes polynomially many
samples and time, and which can successfully recover a good clustering, so long
as the separation is $\Delta = \Omega (\log^{1/2 + c} k)$, for any $c > 0$.
Previously, polynomial time algorithms were only known for this problem when
the separation was polynomial in $k$, and all algorithms which could tolerate
$\textsf{poly}( \log k )$ separation required quasipolynomial time. We also
extend our result to mixtures of translations of a distribution which satisfies
the Poincar\'{e} inequality, under additional mild assumptions. Our main
technical tool, which we believe is of independent interest, is a novel way to
implicitly represent and estimate high degree moments of a distribution, which
allows us to extract important information about high-degree moments without
ever writing down the full moment tensors explicitly.
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