The BeEST Experiment: Searching for Beyond Standard Model Neutrinos
using $^7$Be Decay in STJs
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 17:21:12 GMT
- Title: The BeEST Experiment: Searching for Beyond Standard Model Neutrinos
using $^7$Be Decay in STJs
- Authors: K.G. Leach and S. Friedrich
- Abstract summary: BeEST experiment precisely measures the eV-scale radiation that follows the radioactive decay of $7$Be implanted into sensitive superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) quantum sensors.
BeEST experiment precisely measures the eV-scale radiation that follows the radioactive decay of $7$Be implanted into sensitive superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) quantum sensors.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Precision measurements of nuclear $\beta$ decay are among the most sensitive
methods to probe beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics in the neutrino sector. In
particular, momentum conservation between the emitted decay products in the
final state is sensitive to any massive new physics that couples to the
neutrino mass. One way to observe these momentum recoil effects experimentally
is through high-precision measurements of electron-capture (EC) nuclear decay,
where the final state only contains the neutrino and a recoiling atom. The
BeEST experiment precisely measures the eV-scale radiation that follows the
radioactive decay of $^7$Be implanted into sensitive superconducting tunnel
junction (STJ) quantum sensors. STJs are ideally suited for measurements of
this type due to their high resolution at the low recoil energies in EC decay,
and their high-rate counting capabilities. We present the motivation for the
BeEST experiment and describe the various phases of the project.
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